February Featured Maker and Pattern: Warp Speed by Ben Millett

This month is an exciting second time around with a wonderful designer who’s partnered with us before. We’re so happy to have Ben Millett back as our February designer!

Ben’s featured quilt pattern, our February pattern of the month, is actually two options: the Warp Speed and Warp Speedier patterns are both included! The original Warp Speed pattern includes five sizes from mini to king. Warp Speedier only includes one lap/throw size but uses a quicker piecing technique for a speedier finish.

For the month of February, Ben will be donating 50% of the proceeds from the pattern to American Veterans for Equal Rights. For this month’s interview, we chatted with Ben about his collaboration with Modern Service Quilts.

Can you tell us a little about yourself and your quilting journey?

Quilting became my creative outlet outside work at an agriculture company in Des Moines, Iowa. I enjoyed designing and piecing quilt tops but would be frustrated that my quilting lines were wobbly. Around this same time, I realized that I was not as straight as I'd been convinced to be. "Not So Straight" became a tongue-in-cheek rallying cry (and for a time, my brand name) as I quilted, reminding both myself and others of who I am. I take a contemporary approach with my quilted projects, preferring to work with solids in saturated colors, and delight in modifying traditional quilt blocks and shapes to see what secondary patterns arise when using those blocks.

Why did you want to collaborate with Modern Service Quilts?

With family members who have served in the wars in Korea and Vietnam and in other places during non-war times, I’ve had an interest in supporting veterans but hadn't found a good way to do so. Being able to use one of my patterns to help that cause was really appealing.

Do you have your own personal connection to the military, service members, or the tradition of making honor quilts?

My grandfather played clarinet in the Army band. One of my favorite memories is going with him to an Army band concert. He didn't talk with us about his time in Korea, but knowing that he served there gave extra meaning to Veterans Day for us.

This month, we’re highlighting your Warp Speed/Warp Speedier quilt patterns. Why do you think this particular design lends itself well to becoming a modern honor quilt?

With the color arrangement in Warp Speed and Warp Speedier, the maker can select colors for a particular military branch (or general patriotic colors) to create a quilt that calls to mind service in a dynamic way.

Do you have any other patterns you think could work well as honor quilts?

I've mocked up my patterns with different patriotic colors and found that Wild Geese That Fly also works really well. (And, of course, don’t forget about Slice is Right, the pattern from our first collaboration with Ben!)

Do you have any tips for making a quilt pattern appropriate for an honor quilt?

I love to work with solids, and they lend themselves really well to modernizing quilt patterns. The right combination of bold, saturated reds and blues can turn just about any pattern into a modern honor quilt.

You’ve chosen to support American Veterans for Equal Rights with your Slice Is Right pattern sales this month. What led you to choose that particular charity?

The military does not have a great history with its treatment of LGBTQ+ individuals. As we've seen even in the last few years, transgender individuals may suddenly find themselves removed from service and face uncertain futures, unsure whether their service will be not only allowed but welcomed. I want to provide support to this organization that exists to ensure "full and equal rights and equitable treatment for all present and former members of the U.S. Armed Forces, especially the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender current and prior military personnel."

Ben, we’re so glad to have you back on the MSQ team this month, and thank you for sharing these wonderful patterns with our makers! Head to Ben’s shop to purchase your own copy of the Warp Speed or Warp Speedier pattern by February 28, and share your work by tagging Modern Service Quilts (@modernservicequilts, #modernservicequilts) and Ben on social media (@benmillett, #warpspeedquilt). We can’t wait to see the beautiful quilts you all make.

If you need information on donating your finished quilt to a veteran, check out this page.

We’ll be back mid-month with more information on the sample quilt we made using Ben’s pattern. Until then, be sure to follow us on Instagram for lots more photos and information and sign up for our email newsletter below.


MSQ’s Warp Speed Quilt


MSQ’s Chevron Points Quilt