MSQ’s Bar Charts Quilt
Modern Service Quilts Modern Service Quilts

MSQ’s Bar Charts Quilt

This month, we’ve been sharing lots of fun photos of the process of making our Bar Charts sample over on our Instagram feed. In this post, let’s dig into the details!

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MSQ’s Slice Is Right Quilt
Modern Service Quilts Modern Service Quilts

MSQ’s Slice Is Right Quilt

Hopefully, you’ve been drooling over all the colorful photos of our Slice Is Right sample that we’ve been sharing over on our Instagram this month. In a big switch from last month’s patterned, textured Kris Kross quilt, this time, we broke out the solids for a bold, fresh aesthetic. In this post, we’ll share all about the sample we made!

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MSQ’s Kris Kross Quilt
Modern Service Quilts Modern Service Quilts

MSQ’s Kris Kross Quilt

Who’s ready to jump into this month’s pattern, Kris Kross by Suzy Williams (aka Suzy Quilts)? This deceptively simple quilt is just begging for a million different fabric combinations to bring it to life. In this post, we wanted to share more about the sample we made!

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MSQ’s Starship Quilt
Modern Service Quilts Modern Service Quilts

MSQ’s Starship Quilt

We hope you’re all as excited as we are about this month’s pattern, Starship by Sarah Holst. It’s a very beginner-friendly pattern that opens itself up to so many interpretations. In this post, we wanted to share more about the sample we made!

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